It was all because of the LA Weekly Detour Festival, one of the coolest festivals I've ever been to. Usually festivals are in these outdoor amphitheatre, parking lots, or desert like settings, but this one was downtown LA. And it wasn't just like a street or two blocked off it was a huge area surrounding city hall. All the bus stops, sculptures, fountains, etc were fair game. There was even a DJ stage in the outdoor foyer of city hall. At night a rave like dance party was happening in there. Something you don't normally see at city hall, not to mention everyone getting stoned on the city hall steps.
DJ Stage
I took the metro downtown and when I got off just followed the music. Downtown should be like that all the time. It was a perfect day only in the 70's and overcast with a little bit of rain - rare for LA.
Grand Ole Party - so good, she rocks, my new favorite band
Datarock - love them
Black Lips - always a party, one of the guys threw up during the last song, classic but tame for them
They also toilet papered us.
Mars Volta - they went on and on and on ever song was an epic I didn't stick around long too 5 years ago
Cut Copy - such fun
Last but not least Gogol Bordello
Pre-show back stage
They were so amazing. One of the best shows ever. So much energy.
And for the finale one of the girls rode her drum into the crowd.