Saturday, September 11, 2010

Saturday Garden Art

As a designer I like to add little one of a kind details to every set and my home is full of them.  I pretty much re-purpose everything.  This was an antique mail box I inherited a few years ago from a friend.  It was on the wall in three of my apartments in three different cities.  The house I live in now has a great backyard so I decided to transform the mailbox into a planter and attach to our rustic garden shed. 
This was a glass container meant to be used as a vase or for candles and today I turned it into a terrarium.  I'm pretty stoked, now I just need to find a place in my room for it.
This is an old turn table that I converted into garden art with tiny succulents in recycled glass jars.  My favorite part is that it spins. 

Friday, September 10, 2010

Westlake Riots

It's been an interesting week in LA. People mugging with baseball bats in Echo Park, Possums invading starbucks, and week long riot in westlake... the constant helicopter air traffic has everyone on edge... and apparently an anti immigration group has dubbed the riots "LA Machete Riots", they're blaming Robert Rodriguez new film